Quantum Mortis: A Man Dusrupted by Vox Day and Steve Rzasa with art by Matvei Daniilovich. Quantum Mortis Cover Quantum Mortis might better be titled Quantum Mortis: The Actionless Comic. To see why, let's start with the cover which depicts a man and a woman atop a skyscraper with even taller skyscrapers behind them. The man is standing with two weapons, one in each hand. He is looking down the left side of the building shooting with the weapon in his left hand while his right hand is pointing outward at seemingly nothing. The woman looks almost like she's kneeling but in fact is standing like a human accordion. She appears to be looking at the person looking at the comic book cover, she has a weapon in her right hand pointed up while her left hand is making some bizarre hand sign the crosses the male character's knees. This is one case where the cover tells you almost exactly what you can expect to find on the inside. These two characters and very little else. ...
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