OMG! It is National Comic Book Day 2017 and as I furiously type the day is nearly over! As I think of things to type, I am only aware of the ticking of the clock! I only found out late in the day that it was National Comic Book Day when I got an email (that I can no longer find) giving five ways to celebrate. I decided to make the above video and discuss why we love/are obsessed with comic books? I suppose we could get obsessed with anything but comic books for me were always this visually appealing medium that also always satisfied my desire for story. In the first grade, I started to develop a taste for mythology. While I was raised Catholic, the idea of the Greek gods always fascinated me? In one sense, I could buy into the idea that myths were simply away of explaining natural events prior to the development of reason and the scientific method, on the other hand, the characters in the myths had needs and desires I could comprehend. Luckily, I hadn't read the Metamorpho...
Blog that deals with classic comic books and omnibuses. On YouTube at